샬롬! 엘살바도르의 BRIANA 소개와 소식입니다.
엘살바도르 BRIANA
Hello! My name is...
2019년 6월 19일
Gael lives with his father and mother. His father is sometimes employed as a farmer. His mother is sometimes employed as a factory worker. Gael helps his family by being good. He is too young to help around the house.
Gael's favorite activity is art or drawing. In preschool, his performance is average.
His Christian activities include attedning Sunday School & church. His favorite activity at the Compassion project is spending time with friends.
BRIANA에게서 온 편지
Your sponsored child lives on the plains of Telica, home to approximately 3,6000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of dirt floors, mud walls and tin roofs. The regional diet consitst of maize, fish, bread and rice.
Common health problems in this area include dengue, diarrhea, respiratory, illnesses, kidney infections, anemia and parasites. Most audlts in Telica are unemployed but some work on plantations and earn the equivalent of $80 per month. This community needs libraries, employment opportunities, street lights, a police station and improved roads.
Your sponsorship allows the staff of Integral Development Center Generacion de Fuego to provide your sonpsored child with Bible teaching, spiritual retreats, hygience and heath education, medical cheakups, vaccinations, nutritious food, speciel celebrations, academic reinforcement, school supplies and shoes. The center staff will also provide evangelism services, health education, child protection workshops and meeting for the parents or guardians of your sponsored child.