샬롬! 엘살바도르의 BRIANA 소개와 소식입니다.
엘살바도르 BRIANA
Hello! My name is...
2019년 7월 19일

Nancy lives with her mother. Her mother is sometimes employed and is a homemaker. Nancy helps her mother by being good. She is too young to help around the house.
Nacny's favorite activities are art or drawing, playing games with balls and singing. Nancy is not old enough yet to take part in activities designed for preschool and elementary-age children. At this age, having someone to love and take care of her can mean the difference between life and death. That's why your sponsorship provides for a trained Survival Specialist from her local church to visit her every month at home.
These Specialists provide access to much-needed immunizations and medical care, as well as food and water to meet critical physical needs. They also lend emotional and spiritual support to family members committed to caring for her. Your sponsorship allows Nancy a strong, healthy start, ealry in life when in can have the biggest impact.
Her Chirstian acitivities include attending vacation Bible school. Her favorite activity at the Compassion project is learning about God.
BRIANA에게서 온 편지

Your sponsored child lives in the mountainous community of Camojallito, home to approximately 5,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, tin walls and corrugated iron roofs. The primary ethnic group is Maya and the most commonly spoken language is Mam
The regional diet consists of maize, beans, chicken, bread, beef, rice and potatoes. Common health problems in this area include malnutrition and respiratory illnesses. Most adults in Camojallito work on plantations and earn the equivalent of $90 per month. This community has electricity and water but needs improved housing, a computer center and citizen security.
Your sponsorship allows the staff of Club Benedicion Student Center to provide your sponsored child with Bible teaching, hygiene education, parasite treatment, recreational activities, special celebrations, music and computer training. The center staff will also provide evangelism and home visits for the parents or guardians of your sponsored child.